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Beata Wójtowicz, Ph.D. Habil., Assoc. Prof.

E-mail: b.wojtowicz@uw.edu.pl

Office hours: Tuesday 11.30-12.30 – please contact me in advance




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Research Gate

  • Research areas

Swahili language and culture, bilingual lexicography, corpus linguistics.

  • Academic degrees

2000, M.A. in African Studies: “Auxiliary Verbs in Swahili and the Process of Grammaticalization”; supervisor: Dr Iwona Kraska-Szlenk.

2003, Erasmus semester scholarship, Department of African and Asian Studies, University of Helsinki, Finland.

2005, Ph.D.: “General Linguistic and Lexicographic Foundations of a Swahili-Polish Dictionary”; supervisor: Prof. Janusz S. Bień.

2019,  Dr. Habil. in Linguistics (University of Warsaw).

  • Functions and activities

Member of the University Research Discipline of Linguistics Council (2019-2020, 2021-2024)

Member of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Computer Science PAS (2023-2026)

Member of the Polish Association of African Studies (member of the board in 2021-2023)

Board Member of the CHAUKIDU Association (2019-20, 2021-2023)

Member of the African Association for Lexicography

Member of the editorial board of the journal Studies in African Languages and Cultures

Member of the scientific council of the journal MULIKA

Member of the advisory board of Rocznik Orientalistyczny

  • Research Projects

2002/4 – participated in a project financed by the Polish Committee for Scientific Research “An annotated on-line corpus of written Polish texts”, ICS PAS;

2004/5 – realization of a project financed by the Polish Committee for Scientific Research “General Linguistic and Lexicographic Foundations of a Swahili-Polish Dictionary”;

2006 – participating in a project supported by the European Community “Language Technology for eLearning”, ICS PAS;

2008/11 – praticipating in a research-development project of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education “The National Corpus of Polish“, ICS PAS;

2009/12 – the head of the project financed by the Polish Ministry of Education A small Swahili-Polish and Polish-Swahili dictionary;

2017 – the head of the project financed by the Polish National Science Center Swahili dictionaries and their users;

2019/22 – praticipating in a research project of the Polish National Science Center Cultural Conceptualizations in Swahili languages and cultures;

2020/23 – praticipating in a research project CLARIN-PL, DARIAH-PL: Korpus Dyskursu Parlamentarnego (Polish Parliamentary Corpus), Korpus Dekady (Corpus of the decade).

  • Conferences with papers

2002 – Polish Oriental Society Conference, Warsaw University;

2003 – XXXI Convention of the Polish Oriental Society, Warsaw University; 16th Swahili Kolloquium, Universität Bayreuth (Germany);

2007 – PALC 2007 in Łódź, Poland; PLM 2007 in Gniezno, Poland; Current Trends in Lexicography, Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, Bielarus;

2008 – PLM 2008, Gniezno, Poland;

2009 – PALC 2009, Łódź; EACL 2009 Workshop on “Language Technologies for African Languages” (AfLaT), Athens, Greece; AFRILEX 2009, Cape Town, RSA; World Congress of African Linguistics 6 ‘WOCAL 6’, Cologne, Germany; CHAKITA 2009, Nairobi, Kenia; Conference and Members’ Meeting of the Text Encoding Initiative Consortium, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA;

2010 – LREC 2010, workshop on “Language Technologies for African Languages” (AfLaT), Valetta, Malta; “Strategic workshop on research communities and research infrastructures in the Humanities”, European Science Foundation, Strasbourg, France; Slavicorp 2010, University of Warsaw;

2011 – Body in Language, Lexicon, Metaphor, Grammar and Culture Conference, University of Warsaw;

2012 – ALTA Conference, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA; 3rd Congress of Polish Africanists, Szczecin, Poland; TALC10, University of Warsaw.

2015, World Congress of African Linguistics 8 ‘WOCAL 8’, Kyoto University, Japan; Hildesheim Conference on Electronic Dictionaries as Information Tools, Universität Hildesheim, Germany.

2016, IV Glosa do leksykografii, University of Warsaw;

2017, Language and Culture Interface, University of Warsaw; eLex Electronic Lexicography in the 21st Century, Lejda, Holandia; CHAUKIDU Conference, University of w Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

2018, V Glosa do leksykografii, University of Warsaw; CHAUKIDU Conference, State University of Zanzibar, Tanzania.

2019, NCOLCTL & ALTA Conference, Atlanta, USA; Language, Culture, Literature – East African Perspective, University of Warsaw.

2020, online webinar, Chuo Kikuu cha Nairobi @50: Kiswahili Ulimwenguni, Webina ya Idara ya Kiswahili.

2021, VI Kongres Afrykanistów Polskich online; Hali ya Kiswahili ulimwenguni sasa na baadaye. Kongamano la CHAUKIDU mtandaoni; Dni Afryki w Olsztynie: Afryka w dobie pandemii COVID-19, online.

2022, conference „Języki specjalistyczne w badaniach i praktyce 2: dobre praktyki, nowe inspiracje”, Katowice (online).

2023, conference African Languages Teachers Association ALTA 2023, Howard University, Washington, USA

  • Lecturing

Swahili language, Swahili literature, Linguistics, Introduction to African Studies, Information Technology.