SALC was granted funding from the Ministry of Education and Science in the amount of PLN 26,989

20 10 2022
The scientific journal “Studies in African Languages and Cultures” received funding from the Ministry of Education and Science in the amount of PLN 26,989 as part of the “Development of Scientific Journals” program.
“Studies in African Languages and Cultures” (published until 2018 under the title “Studies of the Department of African Languages and Cultures”), founded in 1984, is owned by the University of Warsaw. Its editorial staff consists of employees of the Department of African Languages and Cultures. The journal publishes original works in various fields of African studies. The subject of the journal focuses on African linguistics, including ethno- and sociolinguistics, but also includes African literature, African culture and African history.
The money received will be spent on the functioning and further development of the journal.