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Students’ projects

As part of the Art of Africa course in the third year of undergraduate studies, in the summer semester (dedicated to theatre in Africa), Dr. Zuzanna Augustyniak conducts an original, innovative project, during which students, under her guidance, write a drama based on African cultural texts, and then prepare a performance on its basis. Drawing on her theatrical experience, Dr. Augustyniak guides the participants through the process of creating a script based on a selected text, through the basics of acting, learning the elements characteristic of traditional African theatre, to the final effect, which is recording of the performance. In this way, students not only learn about African literature and dramatic traditions, but also have one more opportunity to practice the language of their specialisation, not to mention the accompanying excitement.

Academic year 2021/2022:
Bayajidda – a radio drama based on the story of the Hausa origins. Written and recorded by students of Hausa studies: Aleksander Banat, Adrianna Gorzka, Klementyna Jaroszyńska, Emilian Mucha, Igor Puchniak and Maria Wereszko.